Artwork File Format

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Guidelines for Supplying Computer Generated Artwork


Platform – We are a PC based company. All Macintosh files must be provided in a PC compatible version.

Resolution – Our processes require a minimum of 300 dpi resolution. Graphics designed for use on the Internet are not acceptable

Black & White Line Art – This is our preferred type of art. Black and white line art contains black and white lines only. No shades of gray or halftones can be used.

Black & White Halftone Art – This art will contain shades of gray or halftones. Some of our processes will NOT reproduce this type of artwork without additional refinement.

Color Art – Please email and label each color by the exact Pantone number wanted.

Email – Naming protocol is important. Please do not name your artwork “logo”. Instead please name the file using an easily identified label such as “festival logo”.

You may send your artwork to

Quality – Simply because the art file is in a digital format does not mean it will be clean and usable. Faxed, scanned or art which has been reproduced numerous times will not improve and will not look its best without additional clean-up efforts. We reserve the right to refuse any artwork that will not meet our standards of product quality when reproduced with our equipment and processes.

Important Information

When providing digital art these Guidelines MUST be followed in order to proceed:

  • Digital art with hard copy of the artwork is preferred. This will enable us to be sure your file has opened correctly. If the art provided is to be used for engraving or glass etching, it must be Black and White Line Art. No grayscale or halftones are acceptable for those processes. If your art is to be imprinted in color please make sure we have the correct pantone colors.

  • All digital artwork submitted MUST meet our artwork requirements shown below or your order may be delayed and additional artwork charges may be incurred. Art charges are $50.00 per hour.

Please contact your awards counselor to be sure your art will work. We proof every order.



Corel Draw for windows is our preferred program.


We also accept:

Adobe Illustrator – Windows – .CS5 or lower please convert all text to outlines
Photoshop – Windows – .psd – set type in illustrator and maintain separate layers
Adobe PDF – .pdf – separate editable pdf, include specific fonts if required


File Types for digital print only

(not suitable for engraving)

.jpg – only if in high resolution of at least 300 dpi at 200% desired size
.tif – only if in high resolution of at least 300 dpi at 200% desired size
.bmp – only if in high resolution of at least 300 dpi at 200% desired size


Unacceptable Formats

We are unable to achieve satisfactory results when graphics are submitted in the following formats:
Word – .doc format
Excel – .xls format
Web graphics – .gif or .jpg – Graphics designed for use on the internet are not acceptable because of the low resolution typically used.


Fonts & Colors

Convert all text to outlines or curves. Please be aware that once this is done the text in your artwork can no longer be edited. If editing is required you must include or send us the font file.

When assigning a color to art or text, please use a Pantone color. This will work for process or spot colors.


Getting Art To Us

Getting acceptable artwork to us is an important step in creating your award. The following methods are the best ways to send us acceptable artwork:

  • All acceptable artwork can be sent to us via email up to 10 Megabytes.
  • If your artwork is saved to a FTP website, we can download acceptable files from that website.
  • Using commercial transfer websites (Dropbox, wetransfer, etc).

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